Maternal and Newborn Health. The Policy Context in Pakistan


The Maternal and Newborn Health Research and Advocacy Fund (RAF) is a five year national programme which aims to support research and advocacy initiatives to influence pro-poor policy and practice reform related to MNH in Pakistan. This document highlights the current MNH policy context in Pakistan to help RAF’s grantees and potential grantees in understanding the background and plan effectively to influence change. It has sections on:

  • An overview of maternal and newborn health in Pakistan
  • National programmes and programmes relevant to MNH
  • National policies and acts relevant to MNH
  • Implications of the 18th constitutional amendment


Golding, S.; Hall, S.; Shah, F. Maternal and Newborn Health. The Policy Context in Pakistan. Maternal and Newborn Health Programme Research and Advocacy Fund (RAF), Pakistan (2011) 11 pp.

Maternal and Newborn Health. The Policy Context in Pakistan

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Published 1 January 2011