Manual for Low Volume Roads: Ethiopia (2016 version)

2016 version published by the Ethiopian Roads Authority


This Manual is intended for use by roads practitioners responsible for the design, construction and maintenance of low traffic earth, gravel or paved (sealed) roads. It is appropriate for roads which, over their design life, are required to carry an average of up to about 300 vehicles per day, and less than about 1.0 million equivalent standard axles (mesa). The Manual complements and links to the Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA) design manuals for higher traffic roads and is accompanied by ERA documents dealing with Technical Specifications, Drawings and appropriate level Bidding Documents.

The draft manual was published in 2011. This 2016 version incorporates recent innovations in Low Volume Road design and construction practices from Ethiopia and the region. The Manual has 7 parts (A-G).

Part A: Introduction to Low Volume Road design

Part A provides an overview of the Manual, its application, context, use and introduces the philosophy of low volume road design.

Part B: Design of Low Volume Roads

Part B provides explanatory notes and supporting information that should be considered during the design process and provides background to the standards described in the remaining sections of the Manual.

Part C: Complimentary Interventions

Part C describes some concepts and practical issues relating to the planning, design and implementation of potential complementary interventions on low volume road projects.

Part D: Construction of Low Volume Roads

Part D deals with a wide range of issues relating to the construction of LVRs that the contractor and supervisor need to consider and to act upon, whether these parties are provided in-house or externally procured. Construction issues include the choice of construction method, material utilisation options, control of the quality of the works (especially compaction and layer thicknesses), and proper management of borrow pit operations.

Part E: Explanatory Notes and Design Standards for Small Structures

Part E deals with small drainage and watercourse crossing structures, typically up to 10 metres span, and retaining structures. It provides detailed guidance on the processes involved with the planning and design of small drainage and other structures for low volume roads.

Part F: Not Yet Available

Part G: Road Maintenance

Part G sets out guidance for weredas, kebeles and all local communities on how to maintain their own road access using the limited resources available to them. It also advises how it may be possible to mobilise outside resources to enhance the impact of local initiatives.

This Manual is part of the Applied Research on Rural Roads and Transport Services through Community Access Programmes in Africa and Asia (AFCAP2 and AsCAP


Ethiopian Roads Authority (2016). Manual for Low Volume Roads. Addis Ababa: Ethiopian Roads Authority (ERA)

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Published 29 December 2016