MANIFEST Progress Brief No. 2: Working with Communities to Save Money for Meeting Maternal and Newborn Needs

This brief examines increasing financial and physical access to maternal health services by promoting financial preparedness and availability of transport.


Some of the reasons given for the low utilization of maternal health services, which contributes to the high maternal and neonatal deaths in Uganda, include constraints such as lack of transport and cash for meeting the costs of health care.

This Progress Brief looks at the component of the MANIFEST study that aims to increase financial and physical access to maternal health services by promoting financial preparedness as well as availability of routine and referral transport. It outlines the approach taken, the preliminary findings, the challenges and the lessons learnt.


Maternal and Neonatal Implementation for Equitable Systems (MANIFEST). MANIFEST Progress Brief No. 2: Working with Communities to Save Money for Meeting Maternaland Newborn Needs. (2015) 4 pp.

MANIFEST Progress Brief No. 2: Working with Communities to Save Money for Meeting Maternal and Newborn Needs

Published 1 January 2015