Managing risks in securitisation of refugees

This review synthesises data from academic and policy sources, with a focus on Rohingya in Bangladesh


This helpdesk report addresses these questions:

  • What have we learnt on how to manage the risks surrounding the securitisation of refugees?
  • In what situations was the civilian nature of the asylum/refugee space best preserved?
  • What are the risks to registered and unregistered and local populations of a securitisation of the refugee question?

This rapid review synthesises data from academic, policy and non-governmental organisations sources on the securitisation of refugees, with a particular focus on Rohingya in Bangladesh. Although not referred to as refugees in Bangladesh, this report refers to Rohingya fleeing Myanmar as refugees. There is limited research on managing the risk of securitisation of refugees, rather the focus tends to be on the securitisation process itself and the provision of security to refugees. However, there are policies mentioned in the various studies examined that somewhat address avoiding securitisation of refugees. As Rohingya refugees have been coming to Bangladesh since the 1970s, there are lessons to be learnt from past experiences of how Bangladesh has dealt with these refugees

K4D helpdesk reports provide summaries of current research, evidence and lessons learned. This report was commissioned by the UK Department for International Development


O’Driscoll, D. (2017). Managing risks in securitisation of refugees. K4D Helpdesk Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.

Managing risks in securitisation of refugees

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Published 1 October 2017