Managing and scaling-up of knowledge in soil and water management. Professional development course and training of trainers.


This training manual is a compilation of materials from many sources and is designed to assist in increasing the understanding by NRM researchers in ECA of the effective knowledge management systems and tools, uptake pathways, and communication and knowledge sharing process for ensuring that research in NRM conducted at global, regional and national scale can be effectively used at local levels in the sub-region to guide decision making, investments, technology options, monitoring and evaluation, and impact-orientation in NRM research and development programmes in the region.


Mohamed, A.A.W., Temu, N., Hatibu, N., Gatobu, S.K. and Ngumba, R. 2005. Managing and scaling-up of knowledge in soil and water management. Professional development course and training of trainers. SWMnet training manual 2. Annex B2.2 of the Final Technical Report for project R8381. Nairobi, Kenya: SWMnet of ASARECA. 72pp.

Managing and scaling-up of knowledge in soil and water management. Professional development course and training of trainers.

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Published 1 January 2005