ORN 20: Management of rural road networks

This Note is targeted at Managers responsible for the management of a network of low volume rural roads within a constrained budget


This Overseas Road Note is targeted at Road Managers who are responsible for the management of a network of low volume rural roads within a constrained budget. The Road Manager may be working within government or the private sector. The network for which he or she is responsible is likely to have some roads in good condition and others in poor condition.

The document has been written to suit a Road Manager working within an annual cycle of planning, budgeting and implementation. It is hoped that the document will also be of interest to consultants, contractors, policy makers, economists and social development workers.


Simon Done, Piouslin Samuel, Kenneth Mukura, Nick Elsworth, Nigel Hewitt, Dr John Rolt, Colin Jones and Dr Colin Gourley. (2003) ORN 20: Management of rural road networks. Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) Overseas Road Note

Management of rural road networks. Overseas Road Note 20.

Published 1 December 2003