Malawi Social Cash Transfer Program Baseline Evaluation Report

Document constitutes the baseline report for the impact evaluation of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme


This document constitutes the baseline report for the impact evaluation of the Malawi Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP). The impact evaluation is being implemented by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (UNC-CH) and the Center for Social Research of the University of Malawi (CSR UNIMA), with technical support on productive and spillover effects provided by the From Protection to Production (PtoP) Project of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). This report describes the status of eligible households prior to their entrance into the program, and thus serves as an important basis for comparing changes over time in order to measure program impacts. The report also assesses the success of the study design, which entails the random selection of Traditional Authorities (TAs) and the subsequent random assignment of Village Clusters (VCs) into treatment and delayed-entry control groups. Specifically, the report tests whether the treatment and delayed-entry control groups are balanced across a range of key outcomes and impact indicators that the program could affect.


Abdoulayi, S.; Angeles, G.; Barrington, C.; Brugh, K.; Handa, S.; Hill, M.J.; Kilburn, K.; Otchere, F.; Zuskov, D.; Mvula, P.; Tsoka, M.; Natali, L. Malawi Social Cash Transfer Program Baseline Evaluation Report. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy (2014) vi + 117 pp.

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Published 1 January 2014