Low-cost storage of fresh sweet potatoes in Uganda: lessons from participatory and on-station approaches to technology choice and adaptive testing.


To develop, validate and transfer needs assessment methodologies for post-harvest systems (farmer to consumer) of non-grain starch staples (cassava, sweet potato, cooking banana and plantain). To evaluate opportunities for technical interventions at the household/ community level of appropriate technologies to (a) reduce food losses and improve food availability, (b) maintain/ improve food qualities and (c) add value through storage or processing and thus income generation. Effective needs assessment methodologies are vital to ensure that research and technology transfer is demand led and thus more effective for non-grain starch staples in traditional subsistence farming systems.


Outlook on Agriculture, 29 (4): 275-282.

Low-cost storage of fresh sweet potatoes in Uganda: lessons from participatory and on-station approaches to technology choice and adaptive testing.

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Published 17 January 2006