Local Governance Institutions in Two District of Madhya Pradesh, India


This study was undertaken in two selected districts in the state of Madhya Pradesh. In each of these districts two blocks and in each of the blocks two Gram Panchayats were selected for the field survey. In the selected Gram Panchayats one village was selected to study the local governance institutions. Thus, eight villages in the two districts were covered by this study. The analyses in this report at district, block and village levels examines the formal and informal institutions of local governance.


Dasgupta, N.; Khanna, A.; Singh, A.; Singh, L. Local Governance Institutions in Two District of Madhya Pradesh, India. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2002) 91 pp. [NRI Report No. 2688]

Local Governance Institutions in Two District of Madhya Pradesh, India

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Published 1 January 2002