Living with wildlife: Sustainable livelihoods for park-adjacent communities in Kenya.


This paper examines the impact of wildlife conservation policies on livelihoods and natural resource management initiatives in two semi-arid locations in South East Kenya. In these locations it was found that wildlife conservation had neither strengthened the livelihoods of the local pastoralists, agro-pastoralists and farmers, nor significantly conserved wildlife. The paper concludes by identifying desirable and feasible criteria for wildlife projects, to strengthen livelihoods and reduce poverty among pastoralist and agro-pastoralist communities.


Coupe, S., Lewis, V., Ogutu, Z. and Watson, C. 2002. Living with wildlife: Sustainable livelihoods for park-adjacent communities in Kenya. ITDG Working Papers. Rugby: Intermediate Technology Development Group, UK. 41 pp.

Living with wildlife: Sustainable livelihoods for park-adjacent communities in Kenya.

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Published 1 January 2002