Livelihoods synthesis study: Key determinants of poor peoples livelihood strategies and natural resources-related management opportunities. A summary.


This booklet highlights findings of a study commissioned to synthesize information on key determinants influencing livelihood strategies of poor people in developing countries. It comprised a desk study of the documentation of 18 NRSP projects, interviews with project leaders, and a workshop of key stakeholders. The study identifies factors that influence livelihoods and puts forward proposals for building on these insights through further research. The booklet is an abbreviated version of the full report.


Livelihoods synthesis study: Key determinants of poor peoples livelihood strategies and natural resources-related management opportunities. A summary. Ambrose-Oji, B. Natural Resources Systems Programme, Department for International Development (DFID), London, UK. 44 pp.

Livelihoods synthesis study: Key determinants of poor peoples livelihood strategies and natural resources-related management opportunities. A summary.

Published 1 January 2004