Livelihoods induction pack

The purpose of this booklet is to provide a list of useful resources and reference materials for DFID Livelihoods Advisers


The purpose of this booklet is to provide a list of useful resources and reference materials for DFID Livelihoods Advisers. The resources are aligned to DFID’s 5 Livelihoods Technical Competencies, as listed below:
1. The global context, including the international and regional architecture of agriculture, food and nutrition security, natural resources use and scarcity, and climate change.
2. Rural development policy and delivery in a developing country context.
3. Sources of risk and insecurity, their impacts on livelihoods and application to building resilience.
4. Natural resource-based livelihoods.
5. Dynamics of change.

Relevant resources for each technical competency are grouped according to the themes of required knowledge for each adviser, as set out in the Livelihoods Adviser Technical Competency Framework. For each theme, we provide a list of resources and information on the type of resource (e.g. book, academic paper, DFID publication, external paper, website, training course, topic guide, online learning) as well as a short description of content and a link to access the resource, where possible. Only academic papers that have been published in reputable academic journals are included. ‘External paper’ includes grey literature which may not have been subject to the same rigorous quality control as academic papers. The nature of the resources ranges from useful background information and learning materials to analysis, reviews, evidence papers, case studies and policy guidance. This is intended to be a live document that is regularly updated to incorporate important new material on each theme and to eliminate resources that are deemed to be less useful or links that are no longer working.


Woods, P. Livelihoods induction pack. Evidence on Demand, UK (2013) 35 pp. [DOI:]

Livelihoods induction pack

Published 1 January 2013