Livelihood challenges for extremely poor disabled people in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. Shiree Working Paper No. 12


This paper presents findings from qualitative and quantitative research into the challenges faced, and achievements made, by extremely poor disabled people as they undertake income-generating activities in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. Research participants were from a Save the Children International (SCI) sponsored poverty reduction programme, with additional focus group discussions with members of Action for Disability and Development (ADD) International. The findings highlight a number of important issues arising from the experiences of disabled people and their families, which have implications for policy makers and practitioners working to facilitate poverty reduction amongst this group of the extreme poor.


Prokriti Nokrek; Alam, M.A.; Muzzafar Ahmed. Livelihood challenges for extremely poor disabled people in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. Shiree Working Paper No. 12. Shiree, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2013) 42 pp.

Livelihood challenges for extremely poor disabled people in the southwest coastal region of Bangladesh. Shiree Working Paper No. 12

Published 1 January 2013