Lesson Learning Report: Plan Bangladesh Bringing Economic Empowerment of Street Children (BEES) Project


Dhaka, Bangladesh is home to thousands of street children. Poverty, lack of rural employment opportunity, landlessness, river erosion, natural disaster, family conflict and weak law and order cause rural families to migrate to urban cities for better prospects which expose a number of children to deprivation and abuse becoming street children. Plan International Bangladesh in partnership with local NGO, Population Services and Training Centre (PSTC) has implemented ‘Bringing Economic Empowerment to Street Children (BEES)’ project with support of EEP/Shiree for the period of February, 2011 to December 2013 with the aim to lift 2500 extremely poor street children of Dhaka from extreme poverty by 2013.

BEES has focused on a right-based framework to expand the income-generating capacity of street children and generate assets to sustainably lift themselves from extreme poverty. A lesson learning process was undertaken to capture the key learning from the project and to examine progress made and challenges faced during implementation.


EEP/Shiree. Lesson Learning Report: Plan Bangladesh Bringing Economic Empowerment of Street Children (BEES) Project. Shiree, Dhaka, Bangladesh (2014) 35 pp.

Lesson Learning Report: Plan Bangladesh Bringing Economic Empowerment of Street Children (BEES) Project

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Published 1 January 2014