LDPI Working Paper 3. Household livelihoods and increasing foreign investment pressure in Ethiopia’s natural forests


Foreign investment in Ethiopia’s forestry sector is currently limited, but agricultural investments that affect forests — largely through forest clearing — are commonplace. We describe the nature of forest investments and outline the challenges and opportunities associated with implementing them. Given the key role forests play in rural livelihoods, new tenure arrangements will have significant implications for communities located at the forest–farm interface. We use evidence from a case study in the Arsi Forest area of Oromia Regional State to examine historic and contemporary forest benefit distributions and investigate the potential for conflict over competing forest access claims associated with new investments.


Guillozet, K.; Bliss, J.C. LDPI Working Paper 3. Household livelihoods and increasing foreign investment pressure in Ethiopia’s natural forests. The Land Deal Politics Initiative, (2011) 25 pp.

LDPI Working Paper 3. Household livelihoods and increasing foreign investment pressure in Ethiopia’s natural forests

Published 1 January 2011