LCS Working Paper No. 19: Evaluation of Mark 2 Cambodia Light Grader.


The equipment available on the international market for grading earth and gravel roads is generally expensive to purchase and operate. Many of the equipment models are designed for operation in a high-wage, low-capital-cost environment. For developing countries, the need to import, the costs of purchase, ownership and operation, and the nature of the grading work make this type of equipment impractical and/or too expensive for sustainable application on roads serving poor communities in a limited resource environment.

Unpaved (earth or gravel) roads will be the de facto surface type for access for countless poor communities for many years to come, particularly in countries such as Cambodia. This paper is an evaluation of a second prototype towed grader developed in Cambodia by an NGO (DTW) intended for local production (or production in other developing countries). The light towed grader offers the prospect of achieving low cost maintenance on low traffic volume unpaved roads serving poor communities, in South and East Asia, Africa, the Americas and other economically Emerging and Developing Countries.


Petts, R. LCS Working Paper No. 19: Evaluation of Mark 2 Cambodia Light Grader. (2004)

LCS Working Paper No. 19: Evaluation of Mark 2 Cambodia Light Grader.

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Published 1 January 2004