Landslide risk assessment in the rural access sector: report on project activities undertaken in Bhutan, May-October 2002. (ADD015).


The project aim is to develop and test rapid means of landslide susceptibility mapping for road alignment purposes in remote rural areas in hilly or mountainous terrain. This report briefly summarises the progress and outputs achieved by the LRA Project to date within Bhutan.

A full colour or black and white (both 6630 kb) PDF of this report can be downloaded.


Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick & Co. Landslide risk assessment in the rural access sector: report on project activities undertaken in Bhutan, May-October 2002. (ADD015). (2003)

Landslide risk assessment in the rural access sector: report on project activities undertaken in Bhutan, May-October 2002. (ADD015).

Published 1 January 2003