Land Deals and the Law: Grievances, Human Rights and Investor Protections


Dealing with grievances related to land-based investments can be complicated for host governments. The web of legal obligations that bind a government can limit its options, rendering it difficult to achieve optimal solutions in all cases. Moreover, the investor and project-affected communities will often have opposing perspectives on how to resolve grievances. In spite of these complications, host governments have at their disposal a range of options to address land grievances. Not all options are suitable for every situation, and some entail risks. The risk of doing nothing, however, will often be greater—for governments, investors, and affected individuals and communities.


Cordes, K.Y.; Johnson, L.; Szoke-Burke, S. Land Deals and the Law: Grievances, Human Rights and Investor Protections. Columbia Center on Sustainable Investment, New York, USA (2016) 8 pp.

Land Deals and the Law: Grievances, Human Rights and Investor Protections

Published 1 January 2016