Land Acquisition for Business and Compensation of Displaced Farmers (IGC Policy Brief)


Inadequate compensation for farmers displaced by lands acquired by local governments under powers of eminent domain for purposes of industrialization, mining and real estate development have fuelled significant protest movements in China and India lately. This has given rise to policy discussions concerning the need to amend land acquisition laws, to ensure that farmers whose lands are acquired are suitably compensated. Ensuring that the gains from urbanization and industrialization are evenly shared with traditional rural communities is an important goal in it own right. It is also becoming apparent that this is necessary to ensure the political sustainability of growth based on transition of less developed countries into urbanized, industrialized societies.


Maitreesh Ghatak; Mitra, S.; Dilip Mookherjee. Land Acquisition for Business and Compensation of Displaced Farmers (IGC Policy Brief). International Growth Centre (IGC), London, UK (2012) 3 pp.

Land Acquisition for Business and Compensation of Displaced Farmers (IGC Policy Brief)

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Published 1 January 2012