Land Access and Participatory Territorial Development. Final Technical Report.


This report summarises the main findings, outputs and lessons learnt from a policy oriented research project funded by DFID Central Research Department on the theme of land access and participatory territorial development in South Africa and Brazil. This project examined, by way of a series of case studies, and a broader analysis of conceptual and practical approaches, how sectoral policies for land access and agrarian development can be integrated into a dynamic and holistic approach to sustainable development with a territorial focus. The project reviewed the conceptual background to the notion of territorial development, drawing on a wide range of global literature, as well as assessing the changing policy and institutional contexts in the two focus countries, Brazil and South Africa, within which centrally managed programmes of agrarian reform and land access interact with decentralised planning and development. This was done by way of local partnerships in each country through which empirical case studies were organised, together with a series of workshops for researchers, practitioners and other stakeholders to debate findings and policy implications. The case studies were identified by local partners in consultation with government so as to examine the opportunities to link improved land access for the poor with efforts to develop dynamic, socially inclusive local economies.


30 pp.

Land Access and Participatory Territorial Development. Final Technical Report.

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Published 1 January 2007