“Key Informant Survey” of Production, Value, Losses and Protection of Fruit Fly Hosts in India.


The objective of the IMFFI Key Informant Survey was to obtain estimates, across the whole of India, for the following values:- - Production of fruit fly hosts, divided among the major agro-ecological zones; - Farm-gate prices of fruit fly host produce; - Losses to fruit flies, host-by-host and zone-by-zone, both with and without fly controls; - Incidence of controls, host-by-host and zone-by-zone; - The relative incidence of the major pest species in causing losses, separately for the two categories of orchard fruit and cucurbit vegetables.


Stonehouse, J. “Key Informant Survey” of Production, Value, Losses and Protection of Fruit Fly Hosts in India. (2005) 278 pp.

“Key Informant Survey” of Production, Value, Losses and Protection of Fruit Fly Hosts in India.

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Published 1 January 2005