Isotopic composition of organic carbon in some soils of semi-arid Africa.


The analyses of soil samples collected at 4 sites in Kenya and Zambia indicated differences in mean soil organic matter age (SOM) between sites and horizons. At all sites 13C content of SOM was associated with the vegetation type and the 14C content increased consistently with the depth of profile and age of soil. The need for a more accurate modelling approach to assess total organic C and its isotopic composition in relation to soil age and land management is emphasized.


In: Bergstrom, L. and Kirchmann, H. (eds) Carbon and nutrient dynamics in natural and agricultural tropical ecosystems. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, Wallingford, UK. pp.23-32.

Isotopic composition of organic carbon in some soils of semi-arid Africa.

Published 1 January 1998