Introduction of B-Carotene-Rich Orange Sweet Potato in Rural Uganda Results in Increased Vitamin A Intakes among Children and Women and Improved Vitamin A Status among Children


Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) persists in Uganda and the consumption of β-carotene–rich orange sweet potato (OSP) may help to alleviate it. Two large-scale, 2-y intervention programs were implemented among Ugandan farmer households to promote the production and consumption of OSP. The programs differed in their inputs during year 2, with one being more intensive (IP) and the other being reduced (RP). A randomized, controlled effectiveness study compared the impact of the IP and RP with a control on OSP and vitamin A intakes among children aged 6–35 mo (n = 265) and 3–5 y (n = 578), and women (n = 573), and IP compared with control on vitamin A status of 3- to 5-y-old children (n = 891) and women (n = 939) with serum retinol 30 percentage points) and women (>25 percentage points) (P


Hotz, C.; Loechl, C.; Lubowa, A.; Tumwine, J.K.; Ndeezi, G.; Nandutu Masawi, A.; Baingana, R.; Carriquiry, A.; de Brauw, A.; Meenakshi, J.V.; Gilligan, D.O. Introduction of  -Carotene-Rich Orange Sweet Potato in Rural Uganda Resulted in Increased Vitamin A Intakes among Children and Women and Improved Vitamin A Status among Children. Journal of Nutrition (2012) 142 (10) 1871-1880. [DOI: 10.3945/jn.111.151829]

Introduction of B-Carotene-Rich Orange Sweet Potato in Rural Uganda Results in Increased Vitamin A Intakes among Children and Women and Improved Vitamin A Status among Children

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Published 1 January 2012