Introduction: Mainstreaming community-based adaptation into national and local planning


Hannah Reid and Saleemul Huq discuss the importance of community-based adaptation to climate change and introduce the papers in this special issue. The papers all emerged from presentations made and ideas shared at the seventh international CBA conference in 2013. Some address the issue of mainstreaming CBA into government policy and planning processes, for example, at national levels in Bangladesh and Nepal, or at the level of the city or a specific sector such as agriculture. Others look at how gender and children's issues should be better mainstreamed into adaptation planning, including CBA. And others provide examples of how tools can be applied, and finance delivered for effective mainstreaming.


Reid, H.; Huq, S. Mainstreaming community-based adaptation into national and local planning. Climate and Development (2014) 6 (4) 291-292. [Special Issue: Community-based adaptation: Mainstreaming into national and local planning; DOI: 10.1080/17565529.2014.973720]

Introduction: Mainstreaming community-based adaptation into national and local planning

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Published 1 January 2014