Introducing MMV in access: Scaling up access and delivery of new anti-malarials. 1st MMV Access Symposium, Livingstone, Zambia, May 6, 2006.


This symposium is briefly described, with links to the agenda, the list of participants and the 2 main presentations. Its objectives were to present MMV Access work to date, identify lessons learnt from partners' access and delivery activities, and identify partners for collaboration in access and delivery activities. One presentation describes MMV's work on access to antimalarials, and the other describes the scale-up of malaria control in Zambia and the lessons learned from it.


Introducing MMV in access: Scaling up access and delivery of new anti-malarials. 1st MMV Access Symposium, Livingstone, Zambia, May 6, 2006.

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Published 1 January 2006