Integration of solid waste management policies in Kenya: Analysis of coherence, gaps and overlaps.

This study examined the extent to which policies are integrated, especially addressing health of vulnerable populations


This study examined the extent to which solid waste management policies in Kenya are integrated, particularly in relation to addressing health issues of vulnerable populations. The study undertook both a horizontal and vertical policy integration analysis .

These are outputs from the Urban Africa: Risk Knowledge (Urban ARK) programme


  • Haregu, T. Ziraba, A., Mberu, B. (2016). Integration of solid waste management policies in Kenya: Analysis of coherence, gaps and overlaps. African Population Studies, vol. 30 No. 2 (suppl)

  • Haregu, T., Ziraba, A., Mberu, B. 2016. Integration of Solid Waste Management Policies in Kenya: Analysis of coherence, gaps and overlaps. African Population and Health Research Center, Nairobi, Kenya, Urban ARK Working Paper No.8 .

Published 1 December 2016