Institutions and policy processes: Lessons from NRSP research. Scientific report.


The role of policy processes and institutions in natural resources management (NRM) is a core thematic focus for the Natural Resources Systems Programme (NRSP). This study provides a synthesis of the findings across projects that have contributed to this theme. It was designed to extract insights and lessons for both NRSP and a wider policy audience. The approach to the synthesis was both literature and interview based and covered 35 projects across all of the NRSP uptake promotion nodes.


Brock, K. and Harrison, E. 2005. Institutions and policy processes: Lessons from NRSP research. Scientific report. Annex A of the Final Technical Report of project R8493. Brighton: Department of Anthropology, University of Sussex. 81 pp.

Institutions and policy processes: Lessons from NRSP research. Scientific report.

Published 1 January 2005