Institutional approaches to the delivery of business development: A review of recent literature.


This paper reviews the international experience of institutional approaches to the delivery of Business Development Services (BDS), by drawing on twenty case studies from Asia, Africa, Latin America and Western and Eastern Europe. It highlights the main strengths and weaknesses of a number of institutional arrangements, and identifies some general guidelines that seek to contribute towards improved national policies on enterprise development and BDS provision. The study is organised as follows: section 2 presents the emerging new paradigm in BDS philosophy; section 3 analyses three institutional BDS-delivery models: (1) the delivery of services through government agencies, i.e. government-driven approach; (2) the forging of partnerships between donors and national institutions; and (3) the promotion of independent BDS providers such as business centres, clusters and networks, and business incubators.; and section 4 offers some conclusions on emerging best practice for BDS development.


Marr, A. Institutional approaches to the delivery of business development:A review of recent literature. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2004) 34 pp. [NRI Report No: 2771]

Institutional approaches to the delivery of business development: A review of recent literature.

Published 1 January 2004