Institutional and policy opportunities to improve environment-poverty streamlining in the CSP process: institutional evaluation at EC level.


This report identifies key entry points to strengthen (and strategic gaps that are challenging) environment-poverty integration in the CSP process. This paper does so by reviewing the CSP process (e.g., how CSPs are developed and reviewed), evaluating existing procedures to integrate the environmental dimension in country programming, and assessing if current guidelines/tools underscore environment-poverty mainstreaming. This paper provides various long term institutional and policy recommendations including practical suggestions on: developing useable guidelines to integrate the environment-poverty dimension in focal areas of EC development cooperation (trade, support to macro-economic policies, transport, etc.); integrating poverty environment linkages at the core of country programming; and developing clear strategic institutional procedures to improve accountability of environment mainstreaming in country programming.

This report begins with a background, then chapters including: overview of paper and methodology, follow-up CSP review, institutional evaluation, and finally, recommendations/opportunities to improve environment-poverty mainstreaming.


Institutional and policy opportunities to improve environment-poverty streamlining in the CSP process: institutional evaluation at EC level, World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), Brussels and Washington, D.C., 27 pp.

Institutional and policy opportunities to improve environment-poverty streamlining in the CSP process: institutional evaluation at EC level.

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Published 1 January 2005