Informing the policy process: Decentralisation and environmental democracy in Ghana. Final Technical Report for project R8258.


The Decentralised environmental action research Project ('DEAR') is concerned with the role of information in environmental management at the interface between government and rural communities. It has conducted in-depth field research in Ghana's Brong Ahafo Region on the ways in which information figures in environmental decision-making, and has sought to help local resource users better manage information so that decision making on the environment becomes more responsive to their needs. The research aims to improve the quality of information available to policy decision makers by supporting a two-way process: developing information flows upwards from localities to district administrations, and developing information systems within the district administrations that encourage policy makers to employ more consultative planning processes.


Brown, D. and Amanor, K. 2006. Informing the policy process: Decentralisation and environmental democracy in Ghana. Final Technical Report for project R8258. London: ODI and Legon, Ghana: Institute of African Studies, University of Ghana. 50 pp.

Informing the policy process: Decentralisation and environmental democracy in Ghana. Final Technical Report for project R8258.

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Published 1 January 2006