Information Brief 5: Harmonisation of agro-chemical management in the Caribbean


This is the fifth of six information sheets on improving agro-chemical management in the Caribbean. This sheet considers harmonisation in the context of making better use of limited resources in the region and makes a series of recommendations that address this complex task. The institutional arrangements for the management of agrochemicals in Jamaica and St. Lucia are examined, specifically administrative and legal systems relating to importation, manufacture, and the distribution chain. The potential for harmonisation of good practice administrative arrangements throughout the Wider Caribbean is also examined.


MRAG Ltd. 2003. Information Brief 5: Harmonisation of agro-chemical management in the Caribbean. Annex A1, Appendix 5, of the Final Technical Report of project R7668. London, UK: MRAG Ltd. 6pp.

Information Brief 5: Harmonisation of agro-chemical management in the Caribbean

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Published 1 January 2003