Inequalities in health care use and expenditures: empirical data from eight developing countries and countries in transition


This paper summarises eight country studies of inequality in the health sector. The analyses use household data to examine the distribution of service use and health expenditures.


Makinen, M.; Waters, H.; Rauch, M.; Almagambetova, N.; Bitran, R.; Gilson, L.; McIntyre, D.; Pannarunothai, S.; Prieto, A.; Ubilla, G.; Ram, S. Inequalities in health care use and expenditures: empirical data from eight developing countries and countries in transition. Bulletin of the World Health Organization (2000) 78 (1) 55-65.

Inequalities in health care use and expenditures: empirical data from eight developing countries and countries in transition

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Published 4 December 2006