India: Policy Initiatives for Strengthening Rural Economic Development: Case Studies from Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, India. Synthesis Paper.


The purpose of this report is to present the findings of research concerned with improved understanding and appropriate policy development for the rural non-farm economy in India.Research objectives seek to inform policy on two inter-related topics:

  • Sources of farm and non-farm income in rural households; barriers to uptake of non-farm employment; and opportunities which can be translated into policy recommendations
  • The effect of local governance on the development of the rural non-farm economy in particular and rural development in general; and the opportunities for making local governments more responsive to local needs.


Dasgupta, N.; Kleih, U.; Marter, A.; Wandschneider, T. India: Policy Initiatives for Strengthening Rural Economic Development: Case Studiesfrom Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, India. Synthesis Paper. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2004) 63 pp. [NRI Report No: 2770]

India: Policy Initiatives for Strengthening Rural Economic Development: Case Studies from Madhya Pradesh and Orissa, India. Synthesis Paper.

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Published 1 January 2004