India National Report.


This project focused on access to information and identifying ways to improve the effectiveness of delivery of public services to the poor and vulnerable, and the opportunities for ICT to strengthen these mechanisms. In India, maternal and child health care was selected for an ICT-based intervention to improve the quality, transparency and effectiveness of services within this area.

The project site – the Badarpur Maternity Hospital – was chosen as the service provider and Mohan Baba Nagar, a slum and resettlement cluster of about 9,000 people, was chosen as the implementation area. Voice communication was identified for the ICT intervention, and a toll-free telephone line was installed in the hospital and community. This report summarises the intervention and its' results.


Sharma, G.; Jadav, S.; Amita Mishra; Bhattacharya, K. India National Report. (2005) 56 pp.

India National Report.

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Published 1 January 2005