Increasing the productivity and sustainability of rainfed cropping systems of poor smallholder farmers. Proceedings of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food International Workshop on Rainfed Cropping Systems, Tamale, Ghana, 22-25 September 2008.


In September 2008, CPWF held an international workshop on “Increasing the productivity and sustainability of rainfed cropping systems of poor smallholder farmers” at Tamale in northern Ghana. The workshop was organized by the CPWF Theme 1 Leader (Liz Humphreys) and Assistant Leader (Bing Bayot). The objectives of the workshop were to compile, review and synthesize findings from phase 1 projects focusing on increasing water productivity in rainfed cropping systems. The focus was on the use of infield water harvesting and conservation strategies, supplementary irrigation, the application of crop models to study these systems, and scaling out – downstream consequences and strategies for achieving widespread adoption. The workshop also sought to develop recommendations for research priorities for the Improving Rainwater Management topic for phase 2. The 21 workshop papers presented in these proceedings, together with an overview which seeks to synthesize the main findings and recommendations, provide a timely stocktake of progress to date and future needs and opportunities.


Proceedings of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Waterand Food International Workshop on Rainfed Cropping Systems, Tamale, Ghana, 22-25 September2008. The CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food, Colombo, Sri Lanka. 311 pp. ISBN: 978-92-990053-4-7

Increasing the productivity and sustainability of rainfed cropping systems of poor smallholder farmers. Proceedings of the CGIAR Challenge Program on Water and Food International Workshop on Rainfed Cropping Systems, Tamale, Ghana, 22-25 September 2008.

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Published 1 January 2009