Incorporating stakeholder perceptions in participatory forest management in India - A study on market-related actors in Harda.


Market forces play an important role in determining the amount of benefits that local communities derive from forests. Locally collected forest products reach the final market (within the district) through a dispersed channel comprising traders, middlemen, shopkeepers in village markets and so on. However, power differentials among these various market actors often prevent local collectors from realizing a fair share of the price of the produce, and results in conflicts.

This study looks at perceptions of these various market actors towards the institution of Joint Forest Management and towards one another, as far as market relations are concerned.


The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI). Incorporating stakeholder perceptions in participatory forest management in India - A study on market-related actors in Harda. (2005) 58 pp.

Incorporating stakeholder perceptions in participatory forest management in India - A study on market-related actors in Harda.

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Published 1 January 2005