Inception Report for the research site at Kodangipalayam village, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu.


The aim of this project is to produce and disseminate guidelines on the application and operation of schemes that aim to augment groundwater resources by artificial recharge. The main focus will be on the experience with low technology methods in rural India, where there are many hundreds of thousands of schemes. This will be built on by undertaking detailed studies at selected research sites in different hydro geological and societal settings. The data gathered will provide a sound basis on which the base recommendations for future application of aquifer recharge schemes.

This inception report details the scope of the research, i.e. the project objectives and the activities that will be undertaken to achieve those objectives and the roles of the WTC, TNAU, Coimbatore. The report also sets out a dissemination strategy for informing the wide range of target groups and organisations and for receiving feedback throughout the life of the project.


Water Technology Centre, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University (TNAU), 57 pp.

Inception Report for the research site at Kodangipalayam village, Coimbatore District, Tamil Nadu.

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Published 1 January 2003