Improved Vehicle Operations in SSA: a case study in Ghana.


The commercial operation of vehicles in Ghana, particularly rural transport, is certainly not without problems. This study seeks to identify the problems of both urban and rural freight and public transport services, as well as identify needed improvements to ensure more efficient and effective levels of operation. The present project will principally target major stakeholders, such as the institutions that control the transport industry, and the service providers, e.g. the operators, but will also include those people who use passenger transport and freight services.

The aim of the project is to establish how the two transport sectors (freight and passenger transport) operate in Ghana. How effective and efficient are the sectors in meeting the needs of their clients? What are the constraints that affect companies and individual operators in providing services? How can these constraints be minimised and efficiency improved? How can a fledgling professional transport cadre be strengthened and what other institutional strengthening could be undertaken to improve the productivity and performance of both sectors?

This report is based on the findings from a 3-month study in Ghana, funded by the UK Department for International Development. It's purpose is to share knowledge and experience and to build confidence between the various stakeholders and users so that a proposed national stakeholders' workshop may be held at a later stage of the project. Issues relevant to the transport sector of Ghana will be discussed.


Maunder, D.; Pearce, T. Improved Vehicle Operations in SSA: a case study in Ghana. (2001)

Improved Vehicle Operations in SSA: a case study in Ghana.

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Published 1 January 2001