Improved food crops marketing though appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Final report.


The project had a strong emphasis on partnership building amongst the project coalition members. The Kampala based Transport Forum Group played a lead role in coordinating project activities involving farmer groups, intermediary organisations in the three districts, and international research institutes such as the Natural Resources Institute, TRL Ltd., and Silsoe Research Institute. The principal project activities included the following: Organisation of kick-off workshop; baseline study using participatory and quantitative methods; training of artisans in Kenya; project review; Golden Milestone workshop at the beginning of phase II of the project; Acquisition and distribution of Intermediate Means of Transport (IMTs): participatory monitoring and evaluation of IMTs and partnership arrangements by farmer groups: organisation of quarterly partnership meetings; final project workshop; and dissemination activities.


Kleih, U.; Kaira, C. Improved food crops marketing though appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Final report. (2004) 71 pp.

Improved food crops marketing though appropriate transport for poor farmers in Uganda. Project Final report.

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Published 1 January 2004