Implications of Customary Laws for Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management. Inception Report.


This report describes the inception phase activities carried out between October 2003 and March 2004 for the collaborative research project 'Implications of Customary Laws for Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management'. This project aims to facilitate the formulation of better policies and guidelines for implementing IWRM in countries with plural legal systems, through case-study analysis of local water rights; development of 'legal pluralism' water management guidelines and raising awareness through advocacy and training on the role of customary laws and norms in Tanzania, South Africa and Zimbabwe.

Inception phase activities have included the undertaking of preliminary fieldwork in Tanzania and presentation of the findings at the at 4th Waternet/WARFSA symposium in Gaborone, in October 2003; agreement of subcontracts between the partner institutions and consultations with institutions and individuals dealing with water reforms and IWRM in the study region. Other activities have included preparations for convening of an African Water Laws workshop to be held between 26-28 January 2005, where research results will be discussed, design of the project website, and the holding of two inception workshops.


Chatham, UK: Natural Resources Institute, 51 pp.

Implications of Customary Laws for Implementing Integrated Water Resources Management. Inception Report.

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Published 1 January 2004