Impacts of the CT-OVC Programme on Productive Activities and Labour Allocation in Kenya

Impacts of the Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC) programme in Kenya


The Cash Transfer for Orphans and Vulnerable Children (CT-OVC) programme in Kenya provides regular and predictable cash transfers to poor households with OVC aged 17 years and younger. The objective of the CT-OVC programme is to strengthen the capacity of the poor to care for and protect OVC, to encourage their fostering and retention within their families and communities, and to promote their human capital development.

This brief is based on data collected from a randomized experimental evaluation, conducted between 2007 and 2011, to analyse the impact of the CT-OVC programme in Kenya on a wide variety of welfare indicators. In terms of productive impact, data were collected on food consumption, agricultural production, accumulation of productive assets and labour allocation. Although the programme is designed to encourage care of OVC and human capital development, there are good reasons also to expect impact on the economic choices of beneficiaries, who are primarily agricultural producers. Most beneficiaries live in places where markets for financial services (credit and insurance), labour, goods and inputs are lacking or do not function well. In this context, when cash transfers are provided regularly and predictably, they can help households to overcome credit constraints and manage risk.


FAO. Impacts of the CT-OVC Programme on Productive Activities and Labour Allocation in Kenya. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy (2013) 2 pp.

Impacts of the CT-OVC Programme on Productive Activities and Labour Allocation in Kenya (PDF, 176KB)

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Published 1 January 2013