If women use the microbicide nonoxynol-9 during vaginal sex with men, does it protect them from HIV? Evidence Update, HIV/AIDS Series, October 2004


Trials show that nonoxynol-9 does not reduce the risk of women acquiring HIV infection from men, and its use is associated with a higher risk of genital lesions in women. Given the risk of harm to women, it is argued that no further trials of N-9 as prophylaxis against HIV are warranted.

This Evidence Update was adapted from Wilkinson D, Ramjee G, Tholandi M, Rutherford G. Nonoxynol-9 for preventing vaginal acquisition of HIV infection by women from men (Cochrane Review). In: The Cochrane Library, Issue 3, 2004.


Evidence Update, HIV/AIDS Series Effective Healthcare Alliance Programme, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine 2pp.

If women use the microbicide nonoxynol-9 during vaginal sex with men, does it protect them from HIV? Evidence Update, HIV/AIDS Series, October 2004

Published 1 January 2004