Identifying Insect Vectors and Transmission Mechanisms for Banana Xanthamonas Wilt. Final Technical Report.


The purpose of the project was to generate strategic research information on biology, epidemiology and modes of transmission specific to BXW and pilot-level experiences of managing the disease with farmers with the aim of developing or adapting management methods to control the disease on a region-wide basis. More appropriate and reliable means of isolating and positively identifying the Xcm organism are essential to the success of this project and are contained within the proposal. The data to be obtained in the proposed activities are critical to support disease management efforts that are in progress on the ground.


International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Ibadan, Nigeria, NARO, Kawanda Agricultural Research Institute, Uganda, EG Consulting, Kent, UK., 36 pp.

Identifying Insect Vectors and Transmission Mechanisms for Banana Xanthamonas Wilt. Final Technical Report.

Published 1 January 2006