ICT Access and Usage in Africa 2008


This paper is part of a series that contributes to evidence-based Information Communication Technology (ICT) policy formulation and regulation on the continent by providing decision makers with the information and analysis necessary to assess the regulatory impact and policy outcomes of telecommunications reform against actual sector performance.

This paper reports on the findings of the second household and individual user survey of access and usage conducted by RIA between 2007 and 2008 across 17 African countries. It builds on the first household survey conducted by RIA in 2004/5 and a number of subsequent supply-side studies that have demonstrated that across the continent, even where there has been overall sector growth, sector performance has been sub-optimal. For the most part, the primary national policy objectives of delivering affordable access to telecommunications have not been met. The introduction of limited competition particularly in mobile services has indisputably improved access particularly to voice services but insufficient competition or effective price regulation has constrained take-up and usage amongst those who have access to communication services and resulted in high prices.


Gillwald, A.; Stork, C. ICT Access and Usage in Africa 2008. In: Towards Evidence-based ICT Policy and Regulation - Volume 1. Research ICT Africa, (2008) 45 pp. [Towards Evidence-based ICT Policy and Regulation - Volume 1, Paper 2]

ICT Access and Usage in Africa 2008

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Published 1 January 2008