Hydropolitical Situational Analysis: Water Resources and their Uses.


This document compliments the mapping exercise for water access in Zambia. The situational map identifies the various actors in the water sector, while the positional map identifies the positions taken by the actors regarding discursive constructs shown in the situational map. Both the situational and positional maps are analytical tools that can be used to assess and understand activities related to water access in Zambia and evaluate the key outcomes of strategic development and planning processes.

This document elaborates on the metaphorical 'stage' upon which the actors are located or where they perform their roles. The stage includes all the assets that the actors have and possibly how they can be or are being utilised. The primary assets are mainly the available natural water resources, the so-called first order or physical resources. The actors and their capabilities are part of the second order assets, which enable the first order assets to be utilised or distributed appropriately. Second order assets such as financial resources, skilled manpower and social capacity are elaborated on in separate sections of the document. These assets are critical to the drive towards ensuring all the Zambian citizens are able to enjoy sustained access to reliable and sufficient supplies of water for their needs.

The first part of this document details the water resources in Zambia; including both the quantity and quality aspects of these resources. The second part of this document explores the water needs of the Zambian people, evaluates the extent to which these needs are being met by different actors in different locations and examines the typical approaches or methods that are applied to meet these needs.


Chileshe, P. Hydropolitical Situational Analysis: Water Resources and their Uses. (2005) 41 pp.

Hydropolitical Situational Analysis: Water Resources and their Uses.

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Published 1 January 2005