Household livelihood and coping strategies in semi-arid India: Synthesis of macro- and micro-level findings.


This report describes the research results of project R7558. It includes a description of trends in rural poverty in India, a description and analysis of the livelihood strategies observed in the case study districts, a discussion of these results in relation to general economic trends, providing a descriptive and analytical model of household livelihood strategies. Finally, it identifies further areas of research that could contribute to an improvement in household livelihood strategies.


Gordon, A., Conroy, C., Iyengar, S., Lobo, V., Rani, U. and Rao, G.B. 2001. Household livelihood and coping strategies in semi-arid India: Synthesis of macro- and micro-level findings. New Delhi, India: Society for Promotion of Wastelands Development.

Household livelihood and coping strategies in semi-arid India: Synthesis of macro- and micro-level findings.

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Published 1 January 2001