Household Access to Rural Non-farm Livelihoods. Synthesis of Participatory Rural Appraisals and Questionnaire Surveys in Four Blocks of Madhya Pradesh


The research findings presented here form part of a project concerned with improved understanding and appropriate policy development for the rural non-farm economy. This synthesis report presents the main findings of a household survey and a Participatory Rural Appraisal in Madhya Pradesh, which were undertaken by the NGOs Samarthan and Debate in collaboration with the Natural Resources Institute. The fieldwork was undertaken between November 2001 and August 2002.


Kleih, U.; Som, R.; Kumar, Y.; Jena, S.K.; Singh, A.; Singh, L. Household Access to Rural Non-farm Livelihoods. Synthesis of Participatory Rural Appraisalsand Questionnaire Surveys in Four Blocks of Madhya Pradesh. Natural Resources Institute, Chatham, UK (2003) 66 pp. [NRI Report No: 2378]

Household Access to Rural Non-farm Livelihoods. Synthesis of Participatory Rural Appraisals and Questionnaire Surveys in Four Blocks of Madhya Pradesh

Published 1 January 2003