Higher education, developmental leadership and good governance

This review summarises available evidence from developing countries and conflict-affected countries


Question for this helpdesk report:

  • What impact has higher education had on developmental leadership and on good governance?

The last decade has witnessed renewed interest in the social benefits of higher education, with recent research suggesting that universities have a role in nurturing developmental leaders who enable positive change and better governance in low-income and conflict-affected countries. This review summarises available evidence on the relationship between higher education, developmental leadership and good governance in developing and conflict-affected countries. It draws on examples from a variety of countries, including Ghana, the Philippines, Oman, Lebanon, Cote d’Ivoire and Botswana among others. Most of the literature considered in this report is academic. A large proportion was produced by the Developmental Leadership Programme (DLP) based at the University of Birmingham, which is currently in the process of publishing a summary report


Fontana, G. (2017). The impact of higher education on developmental leadership and on good governance. K4D Helpdesk Report. Brighton, UK: Institute of Development Studies.14pp

Higher education, developmental leadership and good governance

Published 23 August 2017