Helping people access the information they need. Validated RNRRS Output.


This is one of 280 summaries describing key outputs from the projects run by DFID's 10-year Renewable Natural Resources Research Strategy (RNRRS) programmes.

Summary for Project title: R7425: Development, validation and promotion of appropriate extension messages and dissemination pathways.

In Kenya, a new method has been developed to identify what information communities need and to get it to them effectively. The method involves working closely with communities and conducting needs assessments in order to help local people identify and express what information they need. This is then sourced and provided to the communities in easy-to-understand ways through local organisations like churches, schools and women's groups. These unusual pathways are very effective at delivering a wide range of information. For example, children can be taught about a subject in school using books with lots of pictures. They can then be encouraged to go home and show their often-illiterate parents the books, explaining what they've learned and passing on the information.

The CD has the following information for this output: Description, Validation, Current Situation, Current Promotion, Impacts On Poverty, Environmental Impact. Attached PDF (10 pp.) taken from the CD.


LPP28, New technologies, new processes, new policies: tried-and-tested and ready-to-use results from DFID-funded research, Research Into Use Programme, Aylesford, Kent, UK, ISBN 978-0-9552595-6-2, p 143.

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Published 1 January 2007