Helpdesk Report: Understanding the 'demand side' in service delivery: definitions, frameworks and tools from the health sector


This paper reviews the six main approaches to demand-side projects and programmes, including the need to change user behaviour to improve health outcomes. The report also examines the different understandings of 'demand side' in various literatures, in operational and policy perspectives and in international agencies. It maps out the different ways in which demand side issues have been defined in the health sector context in low and middle-income countries, together with various frameworks and tools that have been employed in developing demand side initiatives.


Standing, H. Helpdesk Report: Understanding the ‘demand side’ in service delivery: definitions, frameworks and tools from the health sector. Health Systems Resource Centre, UK (2004) 42 pp.

Helpdesk Report: Understanding the ‘demand side’ in service delivery: definitions, frameworks and tools from the health sector

Published 1 January 2004